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Valuations & Corporate Restructuring
Supporting corporate SA since 2005, our skilled and experienced Corporate Finance team can assist with valuations as well as optimal corporate restructuring in the case of country entry and M&A
You're in good company
In a complex environment, having a clear view on the value of your business is imperative when transacting. Business valuation is particularly important in assessing BEE Net Value annually as this can have a major impact on BEE outcomes.


In a complex environment, having a clear view on the value of your business is imperative when transacting. Business valuation can have a major impact on BEE Ownership outcomes.

Transcend Capital provides its clients with an independent, technically proficient valuation service, taking account of market fundamentals as well as the value drivers unique to the business and relevant industry.

Corporate restructuring

Transcend Capital is a full service corporate finance firm, helping clients to implement the optimal corporate structure to deliver on their strategies. These restructurings often create opportunities and risk for current and proposed BEE compliance.

We have significant experience in carve outs and amalgamations, ensuring that the proposed structures have the optimal balance sheet for tax, operations and BEE recognition.

Transcend Capital is a full service Corporate Finance firm, helping clients to implement the optimal corporate structure to deliver on their strategies. These restructurings often create opportunities and risk for current and proposed BEE compliance.
Transcend Capital assist companies in structuring and implementing (including project management) the optimal South African structure.

SA entity restructuring resulting from multi-national mergers

When global companies merge, analysis needs to be performed on the local operational corporate structure. This can often have a significant impact on the BEE rating of the South African operations.

We assist the companies in structuring and implementing (including project management) the optimal South African structure. Our significant tax, legal, technical accounting and BEE experience allow us to drive an integrated efficient consolidation or carve out. 

Let's set up a call to discuss how we can help you.
