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Employee Share Ownership Plans (ESOPs)
Our expertise in implementing ESOPs for multinational and listed companies allows us to create structures that align employees and shareholders. ESOPs enhance business performance, boost talent retention, and enable BEE Ownership recognition.
Our ESOP Clients

Our ESOP transaction advisory approach

Since 2005, as leading ESOP transaction advisors, we have structured and implemented ESOPs within a range of industries and for various listed and unlisted businesses. Our track record of success for multinational companies and SA corporates has delivered increased employee engagement, improved attraction and retention of top talent and optimal BEE ownership recognition.

Drive company value: Achieve transparency and employee engagement in your ESOPs by having benefit structures that make business sense

Drive value for company

A well-structured ESOP ensures optimal BEE points, secures employee buy-in, and is robust in tax, legal, and accounting aspects. It enhances staff attraction and retention, withstands business cycles, and positions the company as a responsible corporate citizen.
How to determine employee value by implementing ESOPs

Align employee interests

We aim to align employees with the company's success and to create a shared-growth mentality. It is important to implement an ESOP which facilitates meaningful benefit for employees.
How to draw up ESOP risk mitigation strategies

Manage ESOP risks

Our extensive experience in implementing and winding up numerous ESOPs enables us to identify design and implementation risks, and provide practical risk mitigation strategies.

Turnkey ESOP implementation

Our expert team will support you through scheme design and internal communication; legal implementation; BEE verification; BEE Commission engagement; and ESOP communication and training.

Turnkey ESOP implementation

Build trust and manage employee expectations

Our extensive experience allows us to provide you with the ideal channels and communication collateral to ensure ESOP success. 

Programme conceptualisation and theming

Programme conceptualisation and theming

Agreement of key messaging and alignment with company values

Agreement of key messaging and alignment with company values

Design and development of communication material for employee communication and fiduciary training

Design and development of communication material for employee communication and trustee training

Facilitation of employee and ESOP trustee training sessions

Facilitation of employee and ESOP trustee training sessions - in English and/or a vernacular

Let's set up a call to discuss how we can help you.
